“‘In terms of “Doctor Who” specifically, here we have a hugely popular character that epitomizes the best of the science fiction imagination,” Hunter says. “A character that can go anywhere in time and in space, and who contains within themselves the ability to reiterate into new facets of that character. The potential for diverse storytelling here, in every sense of that word, is one of the most potent that currently exists within the science fiction genre.’” Like I always say: if we can have time travel, aliens, and entirely made-up worlds, we can (gasp) have people of color in those stories too. “Some of the most inspired homes are imagined in TV, movies, and novels. By virtue of being fiction, their designs can be realized in ways that are just not possible in reality. Thousands of balloons can lift a two-story house in the sky. A trap door can lead to a secret lair with advanced tech. So if people were given a chance to live in a fictional home, which one would they choose?” I’ll take just about any charming cottage or manor in the English countryside, please! “After sifting through cities with a population above 50,000 and ‘at least one retail bookstore, used or rare bookseller, public library or institutional library,’ Apartment Guide released a list of the best cities in America for book lovers based on ‘the ratio of book-related establishments per 100,000 residents in each.’ Here’s what they found.” Stop giving me reasons to book flights!